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Few words for Aphrodite project

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For the purposes of a larger inter-state project between Greece and Cyprus under the name of APHRODITE, as much information as possible was collected for the ten churches. This wealth of data has been organized in a database, in such a way to enable access of this information also from within web applications, such as e.g. Google Earth. This Monument Information System, (MIS) has been developed, to provide a wealth of qualitative and quantitative information to the user. The system caters for the collection, archiving, processing, management of any kind of information and virtual touring using multimedia technology.The 3D models of the churches have been constructed using the Google Sketch-Up utility, with the help of some elementary measurements in situ.

The 3D models (in Kmz code for viewing in Goolge Earth and as SkethUp model) were uploaded to the official site of Google 3D Warehouse – Models. The user can find the monuments by just searching using appropriate key–words where one can read some main characteristics of the monument. For further information the user may click at the link for the web site that is currently developed for this purpose. Moreover, the user has also the possibility to virtually fly over the area of interest based on suitably draped satellite images. The monuments are accurately georeferenced and appear in their exact position.